Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Between coaching at Churchill, plantar fasciitis, and general laziness, I'm definitely not making my goal of hitting the gym every other day.  So far I've been getting to the gym twice a week.  Not horrible, but not good either. 

I decided to do the Jay Chang 100 squat challenge again.  I took the weight down, kept the 18 inch platform and focused on exploding up as soon as my butt touched the platform.  I got up on my toes at the top of the movement.  The first 5 squat sets (10 reps) were with 115lbs.  The second 5 squat sets were 125lbs and I was still able to get up on my toes at the top of the movement.  In between squat sets I did 10 pullups on odd numbered sets and 10 chin-ups on even numbered sets.  So 100 squats, 50 pullups, 50 chin-ups.  I managed to finish this in 30 minutes and 59 seconds exactly.  I did some more leg and core work afterwards. Here are the complete details:

1) 10 minute warm-up on recumbent bike (level 8)

2) 100 squats, 50 pullups, 50 chinups (30 minutes and 59 seconds)
3) prone leg curl machine - 3 sets of 10 reps with 70lbs
4) 100 calf raises (25 toes forward, 25 toes out, 25 toes in, 25 single leg left, 25 leg right)
5) Hip Abduction machine - 12 reps 130 lbs, 10 reps 140 lbs, 10 reps 140 lbs
6) Hip Adduction machine - 12 reps 130 lbs, 10 reps 140 lbs, 10 reps 140 lbs
7) Alternating knees to chest/leg raises on Bosu ball stand - 3 sets of 16 reps
8) exercise ball crunches - 3 sets of 15 reps
9) stretch and foam roller

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